Innovative manufacturing approaches permit you to get the complex or custom prisms, or uniquely shaped windows necessary to accommodate your design challenges.
- Flow cell windows for Liquid Chromatography
- CCD/CMOS camera windows
- Spectrometer (purged and vacuum) windows
- View port windows
- Beamsteering and Image rotation
- Dispersing prisms for spectrometers
- Deviation, Rotation, and Displacement Prisms — type
- Beam homogenization Light Pipes
Custom Prisms
- Vertically integrated in-house manufacturing for fast prototypes:
- Fabrication, coating and assembly on-site
- Non-standard angles and shapes
- Custom AR, beamsplitter, and reflective coatings
- UV, Visible, NIR, and IR materials and coatings
- Fused Silica, Low and High Index Glasses
- Calcium Fluoride (CaF2), Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2)
- Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Zinc Selenide (ZnSe), Zinc Sulphide (ZnS)
- Sapphire
- AR, beamsplitter, and reflective coatings from vacuum UV to mid-IR
Contact Ryan to OPCO to discuss your specific requirements for windows and custom prisms.